

Profile image
Miro Kosut
Jan 23, 2024 • 2 min read

The Bento theme supports both Ghost Portal and Themed Membership Pages.

By default, Themed Membership Pages are enabled.

Please go to Site → Design & branding → Site wide and disable the Themed Membership Pages settings if you prefer Ghost Portal.

Membership Tiles

The following membership tiles are available:

Sign In

By default, the Sign In has the following properties:

  • Title = "Sign In"
  • Font Color = White
  • Background Color = Theme Color
  • Image = "Keyhole"

You can completely customize or even replace the Sign In tile. Please refer to the section Membership Pages in this chapter for more information.


By default, the Account has the following properties:

  • Title = "Account"
  • Font Color = White
  • Background Color = Theme Color
  • Image = "User"

You can completely customize or even replace the Account tile. Please refer to the section Membership Pages in this chapter for more information.

Themed Membership Pages

There are four membership pages—Sign In, Sign Up, Membership, and Account.

Sign In

You will need to create a page with a slug "signin".

You can adjust the following attributes:

  • Title (by adjusting the page title)
  • Subtitle (by defining a custom excerpt)
  • Background Image (by uploading a feature image)

Title and Background Image are shown on both the tile and the pageSubtitle and Content are shown only on the page.

Sign Up

You will need to create a page with a slug "signup".

You can adjust the following attributes:

  • Title (by adjusting the page title)
  • Subtitle (by defining a custom excerpt)
  • Background Image (by uploading a feature image)

Title and Background Image are shown on both the tile and the pageSubtitle and Content are shown only on the page.


You will need to create a page with a slug "membership".

You can adjust the following attributes:

  • Title (by adjusting the page title)
  • Subtitle (by defining a custom excerpt)
  • Background Image (by uploading a feature image)
  • Content (by defining a page content such as FAQ with Toggle Cards)

Title is shown on both the tile and the pageBackground Image is shown only on the tile. Subtitle and Content are shown only on the page.


You will need to create a page with a slug "account".

You can adjust the following attributes:

  • Title (by adjusting the page title)
  • Subtitle (by defining a custom excerpt)
  • Background Image (by uploading a feature image)

Title and Background Image are shown on both the tile and the pageSubtitle is shown only on the page.