Theme Features

Everything you need, BENT-TO something you have never seen.

22 Color Schemes

Choose one of the predefined color schemes or define yours. 🎨

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3 Font Pairs

Choose one of the predefined Google Font pairs or include yours. ✍🏼

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Image Modes

Use overlay images or contained images with transparent backgrounds. 🟡

See contained mode

Homepage Cards

Use Ghost Editor on the home page to achieve anything. 🤩

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Landing Pages

Optionally, hide navigation so that no one flies away. 🙈

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Social Networks

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or X. 🥳

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The Bento theme supports five languages out of the box. 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇩🇪🇫🇷🇮🇹

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And much more...

You name it. Either it is there, or it may be on the roadmap... 🤓
