

Profile image
Miro Kosut
Jan 17, 2024 β€’ 5 min read

Next Version 0.99.0 ("Peacock" 🦚)


Planned changes:

  • Ghost Editor Cards with an upgraded Bento-look! 🍱
  • Lazy loading for images 🐌
  • Subtle animations for the Ghost Editor Cards πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Version 0.98.7 ("Poodle" 🐩)


  • Added Ghost Custom Font Support (beta) without injecting code

Version 0.98.6 ("Squirrel" 🐿️)


  • Automatic WebP and AVIF image format support
  • Self-hosting OFL-licensed fonts to improve the performance
  • Loading icon for the InfiniteScroll matching the color scheme
  • Dark mode support for built-in tiles (such as Search and Authors)
  • Complete code refactoring after intensive rounds of updates
  • Tile Last has been horizontally and vertically centered

Version 0.98.5 ("Butterfly" πŸ¦‹)


  • Subtle and playful on scroll animations for the Bento grid
  • Animated dropdown menu
  • Improved animations of the button, tags, and no-access icon
  • Reduced theme size
  • Added #hideprevnext special tag to hide Prev/Next Post Navigation under the post content (it only works with the posts)
  • Added a new Post Template "No Image" that replaces the Post Header (with a feature image) by a simple Page Header (text only)

Bug fixes:

  • Removed the white background from the Instagram logo to make the social tile compatible with the dark mode

Version 0.98.4 ("Beetle" πŸͺ²)


  • Improved the look of the subscribe form (if paid memberships are disabled)
  • Improved the look of the tiles and labels in the dark mode

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the redirection to the homepage after clicking the magic link
  • Fixed the placeholder text on Account Page if member's name is not set
  • Fixed the membership page to display only the free tier if NO Stripe is connected (there seems to be a bug in the API that shows paid tiers despite paid membership being disabled)
  • Translation of success message in the signup and subscribe form (the text was only translated in the signin form before)

Version 0.98.3 ("Bat" πŸ¦‡)


  • Automatic and manual dark mode 🌚
  • Dark mode support for custom colors
  • Dark theme logo
  • Minor adjustments of the Ghost card to support the dark mode (please note, not all Ghost Cards can support the dark mode at the moment).

Other important updates:

The fade out effect of the bottom images of the home sections in the image overlay mode is going obsolete and will be replaced by a contained look in the next months. You will be informed about the change. There is nothing you need to do at this moment or later.

Version 0.98.2


  • Added special tag #customurl. This tag customizes the URL of a custom tile (tile-onetile-twotile-three, and tile-four). Please refer to Special Pages for more information about these tiles. When applied, this tag pulls the URL from its custom excerpt instead of using the default URL (/tile-one/ for Tile One, for example). If you link to an external URL, please always include "https://" or "http://".
This tag is experimental and may be renamed in the future versions.
  • Slightly changed the Homepage layout to keep the Section One visually before the Section Two on larger screens.

Version 0.98.1 ("Alpaca" πŸ¦™)


  • Now it is even possible to replace the Authors Tile and Tags Tile by creating a page with a slug "tile-three" and "tile-four".
  • Added special tag #forcecontained to display the post tile's feature image in a contained mode when the Image Overlay Mode is enabled. This creates an exception for a specific post.
  • Added special tag #forceoverlay to display the post tile's feature image in an overlay mode when the Image Overlay Mode is disabled. This creates an exception for a specific post.
  • Added special tag #unlink to remove link from specific posts. This is useful if you want to use a post tile as a feature without providing more information.
  • Added special tag #hidelabels to remove labels from specific posts. This is as well useful if you want to use a post tile as a feature without providing more information.

Version 0.98.0


  • Themed Membership Pages 🀩 such as Sign In, Sign Up, Membership, and Account. All matching Bento style!
  • Now it is possible to replace the Search Tile and Signin/Account Tile by creating a page with a slug "tile-one" and "tile-two".
  • In addition to that, you can replace the very bottom tile by creating a page with a slug "tile-last". This tile is ideal for showing a purpose statement.
  • Custom Footer can now contain html code (only <b>, <i>, and <a> tags should be used to make text bold, italic, and to create links)

Version 0.97.1


  • Performance improvements (color schemes have been split into separate CSS files). This means, whenever you choose a color scheme, only your chosen color scheme will load. There have been unnecessary color combinations compiled in CSS (that would never be used), leading to a very bulky CSS file.

Minor fixes:

  • CSS has not been minified in the previous version due to a missing argument in my script

Version 0.97.0


  • Added a new custom settings "Hide label" to hide all labels such as tags, featured icons, and member-only icons.
  • Renamed "Footnote" custom settings to "Custom Footnote" and set a default to "Published with Ghost and Bento" to match the requirement for theme submission at
  • Added "focus" states to improve accessibility with keyboard
  • Added "hover" effects to tag labels
  • Improved post content style (headings)
  • Improvement of the background image aspect ratio in the post template
  • Added a warning if no site-icon has been uploaded
  • Fallback colors (grey tones) if color scheme has been set to custom but no custom colors have been defined yet
  • Truncating the post titles in the post template to a maximum of 4 lines
  • Significant code refactoring

Version 0.96.0


  • Significant code refactoring

Version 0.95.0


  • Removed the hash sign (#) that used to be prepended before tags
  • Added support for multiple tags to the post template
  • Added post count to the tag template

Minor fixes:

  • Showing images correctly when image overlay mode is turned off
  • Adding alt attributes to the images
  • Serving more optimal image sizes (more improvements coming)
  • Truncating the titles of the post tiles to a maximum of 3 lines

Version 0.94.0


  • The background color of relevant tiles is set to the primary tag's accent color (if present)

Minor fixes:

  • Removed double margins in post and page content
  • Fixed links in the Instagram and LinkedIn tiles
  • Fixed strong font's color in the post content
  • Fixed custom color scheme's color values
  • Fixed bottom margin of the <hr>

Version 0.93.0

Breaking changes:

  • The homepage sections are now pulled by slug ("section-one", "section-two", "section-three", "section-four", and "section-five") instead of tags. Simply adjust the slugs of the section pages. You can remove all #section-* tags.
  • Custom settings Tagline, Title, Subtitle, CTA Button Label, and CTA Button Link have been removed and replaced by an even more flexible solution: To override the default hero section, simply create a page with a slug "hero" and set Title, Custom Excerpt, and Feature Image. You can even add completely custom content, such as a CTA button or a Video, using Ghost Editor.

Minor fixes:

  • The announcement bar has been adjusted to match the Bento design

Version 0.91.0


  • Improved design of the Post Header. Please make sure you set the featured images to benefit from it.

Version 0.90.0

An initial release for the private community for testing purposes.