When paid memberships were enabled but free tier was unchecked in the Ghost Admin, the latest post was displayed instead of membership tile on the home page. This has been fixed now. Even if the free tier is disabled, the membership tile is shown as long as some form of membership is active (free, paid with or without a free tier).
Additionally, the secondary link "Sign up for free" is displayed conditionally depending on whether the free tier is checked or unchecked in the Ghost Admin.
Adding translations to the CTA box (Click-to-Action) that shows whenever a blog post is available only to members or paid members.
Added Ghost Custom Font Support (beta) without injecting code
Version 0.98.6 ("Squirrel" πΏοΈ)
Automatic WebP and AVIF image format support
Self-hosting OFL-licensed fonts to improve the performance
Loading icon for the InfiniteScroll matching the color scheme
Dark mode support for built-in tiles (such as Search and Authors)
Complete code refactoring after intensive rounds of updates
Tile Last has been horizontally and vertically centered
Version 0.98.5 ("Butterfly" π¦)
Subtle and playful on scroll animations for the Bento grid
Animated dropdown menu
Improved animations of the button, tags, and no-access icon
Reduced theme size
Added #hideprevnext special tag to hide Prev/Next Post Navigation under the post content (it only works with the posts)
Added a new Post Template "No Image" that replaces the Post Header (with a feature image) by a simple Page Header (text only)
Bug fixes:
Removed the white background from the Instagram logo to make the social tile compatible with the dark mode
Version 0.98.4 ("Beetle" πͺ²)
Improved the look of the subscribe form (if paid memberships are disabled)
Improved the look of the tiles and labels in the dark mode
Bug fixes:
Fixed the redirection to the homepage after clicking the magic link
Fixed the placeholder text on Account Page if member's name is not set
Fixed the membership page to display only the free tier if NO Stripe is connected (there seems to be a bug in the API that shows paid tiers despite paid membership being disabled)
Translation of success message in the signup and subscribe form (the text was only translated in the signin form before)
Version 0.98.3 ("Bat" π¦)
Automatic and manual dark mode π
Dark mode support for custom colors
Dark theme logo
Minor adjustments of the Ghost card to support the dark mode (please note, not all Ghost Cards can support the dark mode at the moment).
Other important updates:
β οΈ
The fade out effect of the bottom images of the home sections in the image overlay mode is going obsolete and will be replaced by a contained look in the next months. You will be informed about the change. There is nothing you need to do at this moment or later.
Version 0.98.2
Added special tag #customurl. This tag customizes the URL of a custom tile (tile-one, tile-two, tile-three, and tile-four). Please refer to Special Pages for more information about these tiles. When applied, this tag pulls the URL from its custom excerpt instead of using the default URL (/tile-one/ for Tile One, for example). If you link to an external URL, please always include "https://" or "http://".
β οΈ
This tag is experimental and may be renamed in the future versions.
Slightly changed the Homepage layout to keep the Section One visually before the Section Two on larger screens.
Version 0.98.1 ("Alpaca" π¦)
Now it is even possible to replace the Authors Tile and Tags Tile by creating a page with a slug "tile-three" and "tile-four".
Added special tag #forcecontained to display the post tile's feature image in a contained mode when the Image Overlay Mode is enabled. This creates an exception for a specific post.
Added special tag #forceoverlay to display the post tile's feature image in an overlay mode when the Image Overlay Mode is disabled. This creates an exception for a specific post.
Added special tag #unlink to remove link from specific posts. This is useful if you want to use a post tile as a feature without providing more information.
Added special tag #hidelabels to remove labels from specific posts. This is as well useful if you want to use a post tile as a feature without providing more information.
Now it is possible to replace the Search Tile and Signin/Account Tile by creating a page with a slug "tile-one" and "tile-two".
In addition to that, you can replace the very bottom tile by creating a page with a slug "tile-last". This tile is ideal for showing a purpose statement.
Custom Footer can now contain html code (only <b>, <i>, and <a> tags should be used to make text bold, italic, and to create links)
Version 0.97.1
Performance improvements (color schemes have been split into separate CSS files). This means, whenever you choose a color scheme, only your chosen color scheme will load. There have been unnecessary color combinations compiled in CSS (that would never be used), leading to a very bulky CSS file.
Minor fixes:
CSS has not been minified in the previous version due to a missing argument in my script
Version 0.97.0
Added a new custom settings "Hide label" to hide all labels such as tags, featured icons, and member-only icons.
Renamed "Footnote" custom settings to "Custom Footnote" and set a default to "Published with Ghost and Bento" to match the requirement for theme submission at Ghost.org
Added "focus" states to improve accessibility with keyboard
Added "hover" effects to tag labels
Improved post content style (headings)
Improvement of the background image aspect ratio in the post template
Added a warning if no site-icon has been uploaded
Fallback colors (grey tones) if color scheme has been set to custom but no custom colors have been defined yet
Truncating the post titles in the post template to a maximum of 4 lines
Significant code refactoring
Version 0.96.0
Significant code refactoring
Version 0.95.0
Removed the hash sign (#) that used to be prepended before tags
Added support for multiple tags to the post template
Added post count to the tag template
Minor fixes:
Showing images correctly when image overlay mode is turned off
Adding alt attributes to the images
Serving more optimal image sizes (more improvements coming)
Truncating the titles of the post tiles to a maximum of 3 lines
Version 0.94.0
The background color of relevant tiles is set to the primary tag's accent color (if present)
Minor fixes:
Removed double margins in post and page content
Fixed links in the Instagram and LinkedIn tiles
Fixed strong font's color in the post content
Fixed custom color scheme's color values
Fixed bottom margin of the <hr>
Version 0.93.0
Breaking changes:
The homepage sections are now pulled by slug ("section-one", "section-two", "section-three", "section-four", and "section-five") instead of tags. Simply adjust the slugs of the section pages. You can remove all #section-* tags.
Custom settings Tagline, Title, Subtitle, CTA Button Label, and CTA Button Link have been removed and replaced by an even more flexible solution: To override the default hero section, simply create a page with a slug "hero" and set Title, Custom Excerpt, and Feature Image. You can even add completely custom content, such as a CTA button or a Video, using Ghost Editor.
Minor fixes:
The announcement bar has been adjusted to match the Bento design
Version 0.91.0
Improved design of the Post Header. Please make sure you set the featured images to benefit from it.
Version 0.90.0
An initial release for the private community for testing purposes.
Next Version 0.99.0 ("Peacock" π¦)
Planned changes:
Version 0.98.8-beta ("Flamingo" π¦©)
Minor Fixes:
Version 0.98.7 ("Poodle" π©)
Version 0.98.6 ("Squirrel" πΏοΈ)
Version 0.98.5 ("Butterfly" π¦)
Bug fixes:
Version 0.98.4 ("Beetle" πͺ²)
Bug fixes:
Version 0.98.3 ("Bat" π¦)
Other important updates:
Version 0.98.2
Version 0.98.1 ("Alpaca" π¦)
Version 0.98.0
Version 0.97.1
Minor fixes:
Version 0.97.0
Version 0.96.0
Version 0.95.0
Minor fixes:
Version 0.94.0
Minor fixes:
Version 0.93.0
Breaking changes:
Minor fixes:
Version 0.91.0
Version 0.90.0
An initial release for the private community for testing purposes.